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1670 3rd October. Married KATHERINE SHITTLE at Beeston.


CHILDREN of George and Katherine:


MARY COOPER 1673 Baptised on the 16th of November at Beeston.


ELIZABETH COOPER 1679 Baptised in September at Beeston.


GEORGE COOPER 1681 Baptised on the 8th of December at Beeston.

Married Mary Buckenham.

Children: Edmund Cooper 1717, John Cooper 1723, Charles Cooper 1726, Sarah Cooper 1732, William Cooper.


KATHERINE COOPER 1683 Baptised in October at Beeston.


MARTHA COOPER 1687 Baptised on the 4th of March at Beeston.


HOW WE USED TO LIVE  - Family History

COOPER - According to a surname project based at the University College in London the surname of Cooper comes from an English occupation. It would have arisen in many different areas. A cooper made the wooden barrels that most produce was stored and transported in. 


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