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1735 19th September. Married MARGARET MASON at Sculthorpe.

1755 5th October. Buried in Stanhoe churchyard.


WILLIAM FULCHER 1735 Born on the 11th and baptised on the 14th of January in Stanhoe.

1736 1st April. Buried in Stanhoe churchyard.


ELIZABETH FULCHER 1737 Born on the 22nd and baptised on the 28th of April  at Stanhoe.

1764 9th April. Married William Back at Stanhoe.

Child: Margaret Back 1764.


WILLIAM FULCHER 1739 Born and Baptised on the 15th of June at Stanhoe.

1742 13th June. Buried in Stanhoe churchyard.


THOMAS FULCHER 1741 Born on the 20th and baptised on the 23rd of October at Stanhoe.

1773 12th October. Married Mary Moy at South Creake.

Children: Margaret Fulcher 1774, Ann Fulcher 1775, James Fulcher 1777, Mary Fulcher 1785, Rose Fulcher 1787.


JAMES FULCHER 1743 Born on the 17th and baptised on the 18th of December at Stanhoe.


MARGARET FULCHER 1746 Born on the 28th of April and baptised on the 4th of May at Stanhoe.


JOHN FULCHER 1748 Born on the 14th and baptised on the 16th October at Stanhoe.


ROBERT FULCHER 1750 Born on the 2nd and baptised on the 7th of December at Stanhoe.


EDMUND FULCHER 1753 Born on the 5th and baptised on the 6th of May at Stanhoe.

1778 11th October. Married Mary Bowen at West Newton.

1818 8th January. Buried at West Newton.

Children: Robert Fulcher 1779, Rebecca Fulcher 1780, James Fulcher 1783, William Fulcher 1785, John Fulcher 1787, William Fulcher 1792, Thomas Fulcher 1795, George Fulcher 1796, Elizabeth Fulcher 1797.


THERE IS FURTHER RESEARCH TO DO - There is no obvious baptism for James Fulcher. His wife Margaret was born in Hunstanton, they married inland at Sculthorpe and then settled in Stanhoe. There are no records in Sculthorpe or Stanhoe that could be of help and Hunstanton registers are missing. As James Fulcher made two attempts to have a child named William it seems possible his father or a sibling bore that name. The forenames Elizabeth and Edmund have not appeared in Margaret Mason's family as yet so may also be of help.


HOW WE USED TO LIVE  - Family History

FULCHER - According to a surname project based at the University College in London the surname of Fulcher is derived from an English personal name, and may have originated in East Anglia. The earliest Norfolk records appear at the time of writing to be in Diss in the 1550s.


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